Can you weather the Back to School storm?

You Can…with a Proactive Plan!


Join Dr. Michelle Tichy for Creating a Proactive Plan for the Uncertain School Year, a free webinar to help parents plan for this coming school year for their children.

With the uncertainty and challenges of the pandemic impacting everything in our society, we all need to find the best path forward for our children and ourselves.

You will learn

  • Practical steps for making the best decisions for your child(ren) and yourself

  • Review options that are available for families- homeschooling, unschooling, hybrid educational programs, virtual schooling, public school, and private schools

  • Social Emotional issues around this school year that are dramatically different from the past, (and ways that prior social emotional challenges will be magnified-and how to help your child/yourself)

  • Knowing your rights as a parent

  • Advocating for what is best for your family

  • Making sure that your children thrive and not just survive the 2020/2021 school year

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Aug 13(12:30PM EDT)

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Aug 20 (12:00PM EDT)

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Aug 26 (10:30AM EDT)

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